samedi 10 avril 2010

German Export Surpluses are Harmful?

The suggestion that a German export surplus is harmful, is unmitigated rubish. You might just as well suggest that the world is unduely dependent on German exports.

The successful German export figures demonstrate that the world appreciates German products and services and considers them better value than those produced and provided by others. The only legitimate conclusion to draw is that  Germany's abilty to attract willing customers is greatly to be admired. Those vho criticise such successes, are sticking their fingers in their own eyes.

The real solutions for deficit problems is to produce more goods and services others desire, and/or to reduce the consumption of imports.

In no circumstances should the successful German economy be required to accept culpability for the failures of those who wish to rest on their laurels, and who in addition seek to blame the successful for their own failure to align their consumption with their ability to produce saleable products.

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